Monday, September 14, 2009

Mailing Address

I still have not posted all of PFC Goodale's letters from Basic Training - sorry. He has successfully completed Basic Training, and is now at Fort Eustis, Virginia for his Advanced Individual Training (AIT). He will be at AIT until at least April, 2010, and we now have his mailing address. He would LOVE to hear from you, so please send him mail at:
PFC Goodale Christopher J
A CO 1/222nd AVN REGT
BLDG 1002 PLT 3
Ft. Eustis, VA 23604
He has a lot more freedom at AIT, and though he does not yet have Internet access, he has been able to freely send text messages. He says that he actually misses the structure and discipline of boot camp, but the fact that he was able to have lemon meringue pie after dinner tonight will probably help ease him through that pain. :-)

Michelle and I were able to visit him in Georgia last week, and we had three really great days with him. Two blog updates on that visit are here and here ("Family Day" and "Graduation" respectively).